Franciszek Piper

Fritjof Meyer s’est retiré du débat public

Fritjof Meyer s’est retiré du débat public

En mai 2002 Fritjof Meyer, rédacteur en chef du magazine Der Spiegel, avait publié dans Osteuropa, mensuel dont le comité directeur est présidé par Rita Süssmuth, ancienne présidente du Bundestag, un article (p. 631-641) intitulé « Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz. Neue Erkenntnisse durch neue Archivfunde » (Le nombre des victimes d’Auschwitz. Nouvelles données grâce…

Much “Holocaust” but no history: the failure of Rabbi Berenbaum

Much “Holocaust” but no history: the failure of Rabbi Berenbaum

The Holocaust and History: The Known, the Unknown, the Disputed, and the Reexamined, edited by Michael Berenbaum and Abraham J. Peck. Indiana University Press (in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum), Bloomington and Indianapolis 1998. Hardcover. 851 pages (XV plus 836). Source references. Index. $65.00   Michael Berenbaum, co-editor of this collection of…

Combien de morts à Auschwitz ?

Combien de morts à Auschwitz ?

9 millions de personnes, selon le film documentaire Nuit et Brouillard (1955), dont les conseillers historiques étaient l’historien Henri Michel et l’historienne Olga Wormser-Migot.[1]   8 millions de personnes, selon l’Office français de recherches des crimes de guerre et le Service français d’information des crimes de guerre (1945).[2]   7 millions de personnes, selon Raphaël Feigelson (1945).[3]   6 millions de…

How many dead at Auschwitz?

How many dead at Auschwitz?

9 million persons, according to the documentary film Nuit et Brouillard (Night and Fog) (1955), for which the historical advisors were the historians Henri Michel and Olga Wormser-Migot.[1] 8 million persons, according to the French office for war crimes research and the French war crimes information service (1945). [2] 7 million persons, according to Raphaël…


Revisionist news from France (and Japan)

L’Express, a well-known and largely Jewish-owned weekly, has published a dossier on Auschwitz made by journalist and historian Eric Conan, a dedicated anti-revisionist (L’Express, 19-25 January 1995, p. 54-73). The two main points are that, after a five-year battle between the “experts”, Lech Welesa, president of the Polish Republic, decided that the new revised number…

Le falsificazioni di Auschwitz secondo un dossier de L’Express

Le falsificazioni di Auschwitz secondo un dossier de L’Express

“Auschwitz : la mémoire du mal”. È sotto questo titolo che L’Express ha presentato un inserto di venti pagine sul campo di concentramento di Auschwitz-Birkenau[1]. Éric Conan è il principale responsabile di quell’inserto che, riprendendo la solita tesi dello sterminio degli ebrei, tende a dare ragione ai revisionisti su due punti principali: si è molto esagerato…

Letter to Bradley Smith and David Cole on the “gas chamber” in Auschwitz-I

Letter to Bradley Smith and David Cole on the “gas chamber” in Auschwitz-I

Dear friends, In Smith’s Report no. 12 (Nov.-Dec. 1992), you present as a sensational piece of news the fact that Franciszek Piper, Director of Research at the Auschwitz State Museum, admitted on camera to David Cole that the “gas chamber” of Auschwitz-I was “reconstructed”. You add that Robert Faurisson had been denied access to the Museum’s…