Month: April 1993

The Warsaw Ghetto in April-May 1943 – uprising or police operation?

The Warsaw Ghetto in April-May 1943 – uprising or police operation?

SS general Jürgen Stroop (centre) commanding the 1943 police operation in the Warsaw ghetto.   Each year, around April 19, the media commemorate what they call the Warsaw ghetto “revolt”, “uprising” or “insurrection.” In journalists’ accounts the affair tends to take on increasingly epic and symbolic proportions. “There was never any insurrection”.[1] This rejoinder, now five…

Le ghetto de Varsovie en avril-mai 1943 : Insurrection ou opération de police ?

Le ghetto de Varsovie en avril-mai 1943 : Insurrection ou opération de police ?

  Chaque année, aux environs du 19 avril, les médias commémorent ce qu’ils appellent «la révolte», « le soulèvement » ou « l’insurrection » du ghetto de Varsovie. Dans les récits des journalistes, l’affaire tend à prendre des proportions de plus en plus épiques et symboliques.   « Il n’y a jamais eu d’insurrection ».[1]…

Talk at the Institute for Historical Review’s meeting in Washington on the eve of the opening of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (audio)
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Talk at the Institute for Historical Review’s meeting in Washington on the eve of the opening of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (audio)

Professor Faurisson can be heard in the following sections of the recording: 1 – from 57m. 40s. to 1h. 23m. 2 – from 1h. 52m. 47s. to 2h. 19m. April 21 and 23, 1993