
Revisionist news from France (and Japan)

L’Express, a well-known and largely Jewish-owned weekly, has published a dossier on Auschwitz made by journalist and historian Eric Conan, a dedicated anti-revisionist (L’Express, 19-25 January 1995, p. 54-73). The two main points are that, after a five-year battle between the “experts”, Lech Welesa, president of the Polish Republic, decided that the new revised number of dead to be inscribed on the Birkenau’s monument would be 1,500,000 (instead of 4,000,000) and that the “gas chamber” visited in Auschwitz by so many tourists since 1948 is a pack of “falsifications”.

Generally speaking, according to E. Conan, there were so many obvious falsifications in Auschwitz and Birkenau that Stefan Wilkanowicz (vice-president of the International Committee of the Auschwitz Museum) stated :

The biggest blunders have been rectified but the principal discussions are never-ending and far from being settled. I can even say that essential debates, distressing, sometimes unexpected, are only beginning. (p. 60)

About the famous “gas chambers”, E. Conan writes :

In 1948, when the Museum was created, Crematorium-I was reconstructed in a supposed state of origin. Everything in it is false: the dimensions of the gas chamber, the locations of the doors, the openings for pouring in Zyklon-B, the ovens, rebuilt in line with the memory of some survivors, the height of the chimney. At the end of the ’70s, Robert Faurisson exploited those falsifications all the better since at that time those in charge at the Museum balked at admitting them. An American revisionist has just shot a video in the gas chamber (still presented as authentic): one may see him questioning the visitors with his “revelations”. (p. 68, emphasis mine.)

Still according to E. Conan, Krystyna Oleksy, member of the directorial staff, said about the “gas chambers”: “For the time being [the room designated as a gas chamber] is to be left ‘as is’, with nothing specified to the visitor. It’s too complicated. We’ll see later on.” (Ibidem)

Now, my personal comments.

The Auschwitz propagandists are at a loss.

Any visitor of the famous “gas chambers” should put to the guides (or the authorities in Auschwitz) K. Oleksy’s sentences. Those three sentences are much more important than what David Cole, the “American revisionist”, got from Franciszek Piper’s mouth in 1992. Contrary to what some too enthusiastic people thought, never had F. Piper, director at the Auschwitz State Museum, admitted on camera that “the Auschwitz ‘Gas Chamber’ is a Fraud”. He simply said: “So now, this gas chamber is very similar to the one that existed in 1941-1942” and, unfortunately, young David Cole, who had not read very much revisionist literature, was unaware that, with such an admission, he could have caught F. Piper red-handed and shown, on camera, what I, for one, had demonstrated years ago. E. Conan knows that, in 1976, I discovered the whole falsehood by interrogating Jan Marchalek, an official of the Museum, and by finding in the files on the Auschwitz Museum the building plans showing clearly what, in fact, the alleged “gas chamber” had been till 1942: a room (with a dead end) for storing the dead bodies awaiting cremation. Today, if the Poles were fair in rebuilding the room as it was at that time, they would have to destroy the southeast door and put back the dead-end. In that case, they could no longer explain how the alleged future victims entered the alleged gas chamber in order to be gassed! I do not think they would dare say that the victims entered by the door of the ovens room itself!!! (For any specifics see what I published in Serge Thion’s book Vérité historique ou vérité politique ? La question des chambres à gaz, La Vieille Taupe, Paris 1980, p. 316-317. This was repeatedly mentioned in the Journal of Historical Review and in the Zündel trials in Toronto 1985 and 1988.)

E. Conan mentions Jean-Claude Pressac’s book: Les Crématoires d’Auschwitz, but I think that, in the fantastic amount of “dossiers” and articles recently published in France on Auschwitz, he is the only one to do so. Pressac has become an embarrassment for the exterminationists with his constant changings of mind. For instance, his figure of the Auschwitz deaths is no longer 775,000 (rounded up to 800,000) but 630,000 to 710,000 (in the German version of his book, published in 1994), and among those, only 470,000 to 550,000 Jews gassed.

Last but not least, the daily Libération published an article entitled “Marco / Nippon Negationism” (27 January 1995, p. 14). It says that a young Japanese medical doctor recently published in a monthly called Marco Polo (with a circulation of 200,000) a ten-page study stating that there were absolutely no “Nazi gas chambers”, that the stories of those gas chambers were inventions of war propaganda and that the inmates died above all of epidemics. The address of Marco Polo seems to be: 3-23 Kioitho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 100. The name of the doctor is Masanori Nishioka.

January 30, 1995