Raul Hilberg


La religion séculière de “l’Holocauste” est un produit – frelaté – de la société de consommation

La religion de « l’Holocauste » est séculière : elle appartient au monde laïque ; elle est profane ; elle dispose, dans les faits, du bras séculier, c’est-à-dire d’une autorité temporelle au pouvoir redouté. Elle a son dogme, ses commandements, ses décrets, ses prophètes et ses grands prêtres. Ainsi que l’a fait remarquer un révisionniste,…


The secular religion of “the Holocaust”, a tainted product of consumer society

The religion of “the Holocaust” is a secular one: it belongs to the lay world; it is profane; in actuality, it has at its disposal the secular arm, that is a temporal authority with dreaded power. It has its dogma, its commandments, its decrees, its prophets and its high priests. As one revisionist has observed,…


La religione secolare dell’“Olocausto” è un prodotto – adulterato – della società consumistica

La religione dell’“Olocausto” è secolare: essa appartiene al mondo laico, è profana e dispone, di fatto, del braccio secolare, cioè un’autorità temporale dal potere temuto. Ha il proprio dogma, i suoi comandamenti, i suoi decreti, i suoi profeti ed i suoi gran sacerdoti. Così come lo fece notare un revisionista, questa religione ha la sua galleria di santi e di sante, fra…

En confidence – Entretien avec L’Inconnue [Maria Poumier]
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En confidence – Entretien avec L’Inconnue [Maria Poumier]

En confidence, Pierre Marteau Éditeur à Milan, 2009, 80 pages – 10 € L’Inconnue : Robert Faurisson, depuis bientôt trente ans, vous défrayez la chronique par votre opiniâtreté dans un combat solitaire pour des idées qui vous sont très personnelles et que nous ne commenterons pas ici ; elles sont suffisamment glosées ailleurs. Je vous propose…

Interview with Professor Robert Faurisson at the Guest House of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Interview with Professor Robert Faurisson at the Guest House of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran

  The day after the December 2006 conference Robert Faurisson answered some questions from a German gentleman    Hello Professor Faurisson, and thank you for granting me this interview.  Hello. It’s I who thank you for your willingness to put questions. Professor, may I ask what your reasons were for deciding to take part in…

Exactitude (English)

Exactitude (English)

Dear Friends, Enclosed is the French version of my reaction to your Festschrift. Whilst I am indeed thankful to all those who had the idea of making that brochure or who have contributed to it with an article, you will see that I have avoided handling the matter on a personal and friendly level. Instead, I…

Peter Longerich is a Forger

Peter Longerich is a Forger

In his 1998 book Politik der Vernichtung, Peter Longerich falsified the most important paragraphs of the “Wannsee-Protokoll” by omitting the words “bei Freilassung“, which mean: upon release, or: upon liberation (Politik der Vernichtung, Piper Verlag, Munich, Zurich, 772 pages). See 1) The original German text; 2) Raul Hilberg’s translation; 3) P. Longerich’s presentation of the text….

Le falsificazioni di Auschwitz secondo un dossier de L’Express

Le falsificazioni di Auschwitz secondo un dossier de L’Express

“Auschwitz : la mémoire du mal”. È sotto questo titolo che L’Express ha presentato un inserto di venti pagine sul campo di concentramento di Auschwitz-Birkenau.[1] Éric Conan è il principale responsabile di quell’inserto che, riprendendo la solita tesi dello sterminio degli ebrei, tende a dare ragione ai revisionisti su due punti principali: si è molto esagerato…