Ernst Zündel

Professor Faurisson in police custody for questioning – his house searched
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Professor Faurisson in police custody for questioning – his house searched

Retired university professor Robert Faurisson lives in the central French town of Vichy. At 9 am on January 24 he answered a summons to appear at the local police station. No sooner had he arrived there than he was notified by three senior officers, sent from Paris the day before, that he was now in…

En confidence – Entretien avec L’Inconnue [Maria Poumier]
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En confidence – Entretien avec L’Inconnue [Maria Poumier]

En confidence, Pierre Marteau Éditeur à Milan, 2009, 80 pages – 10 € L’Inconnue : Robert Faurisson, depuis bientôt trente ans, vous défrayez la chronique par votre opiniâtreté dans un combat solitaire pour des idées qui vous sont très personnelles et que nous ne commenterons pas ici ; elles sont suffisamment glosées ailleurs. Je vous propose…

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“Ernst Zündel, my inspiration” (brief talk recorded on video)

[3m. 33s.] In a Paris café-restaurant on May 30, 2007, Robert Faurisson says that Ernst Zündel is his “dearest friend”, his “inspiration”. This recording was made shortly after the hearing in the 11th chamber of the court of appeal, just across the road, where Faurisson had opposed the decision of a case heard on July 11,…

Bradley Smith, Break His Bones: The Private Life of a Holocaust Revisionist

Bradley Smith, Break His Bones: The Private Life of a Holocaust Revisionist

Foreword to the French edition, Confidences d’un révisionniste américain Bradley Smith was born in Los Angeles in 1930 to working-class parents who were of Roman Catholic background but hardly church-going. As a child, he liked the stories his mother read to him, and enjoyed reading as well. At the age of ten or eleven, he discovered…

Pour Ernst Zündel
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Pour Ernst Zündel

Ces lignes ne s’adressent pas à ceux qui connaissent déjà la personne, les actions et les écrits d’Ernst Zündel mais aux Canadiens qui ne savent de lui que ce que les grands médias, dans leur ensemble, ont choisi de rapporter à son propos. Il est à craindre qu’à ces Canadiens-là les médias n’aient appris à…

For Ernst Zündel
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For Ernst Zündel

These lines are not addressed to those who already know Ernst Zündel – the man, his deeds and his writings – but to the Canadians who know only what the mass media, taken together, have chosen to report about him. It may be feared that those Canadians have been led to misjudge E. Zündel and,…


Sombre bilan du révisionnisme historique. Nouvelle perspective.

[Aux auteurs de la brochure Exactitude, Festschrift for Robert Faurisson] À l’occasion de mon 75e anniversaire, vous avez, chacun d’entre vous, fourni à cet ouvrage une contribution pour laquelle je ne saurais trop vous remercier. Ma gratitude va d’abord aux deux auteurs scandinaves qui, d’après ce qu’on m’en a rapporté, ont eu l’idée de cette initiative….