A KGB novelist: Gerald Fleming
Gerald Fleming, emeritus reader in German at the University of Surrey (England) is, if I may say so, a KGB novelist. He is more a novelist than an historian. He was appreciated by the Soviet authorities and the Soviet publications. Even recently, since the Soviet Union disappeared, he kept paying tribute to the outstanding talent of the Red Army in interrogating German prisoners and extracting from them the desired confessions that the American Army had not been able to obtain.
Hitler and the Final Solution (University of California, 1984) is a translation of his Hitler und die Endlösung (Limes Verlag, Munich 1982). The book was supposed to answer David Irving’s challenge for a single document showing that Hitler knew before the end of 1943 that there was an extermination of the Jews going on. Of course, Fleming was unable to provide such a document. So he should have refrained from presenting his book as an answer to such question, and he should have avoided writing that D. Irving’s thesis (that there was no Hitler order to liquidate the European Jews) amounted to “eine Fiktion” (p. 37, note 56).
It was a nonsense to write a book about the existence of a document that could not be found and shown. But Fleming thought he could bring us another document, perhaps as sensational, a document proving that there was an extermination program of the Jews by the Nazis. This is how he dared to publish A Resettlement Action Report, now nearly forgotten but revealed at that time – 1982 – as an extraordinary discovery. It was a fraud. Even a layman, not intoxicated by the holocaustic propaganda, could have seen at first glance that this so-called Report with no date and no signature was full of preposterous details about Auschwitz.
In 1994, G. Fleming was the author, with the collaboration of Jewish-Canadian architect Robert Jan van Pelt, of the documentary [Auschwitz:] Blueprints of Genocide (BBC, May 9, 1994). The climax in this film was reached with a document introduced by the following words:
It says very clearly: You will be able to kill and you will be able to burn simultaneously in this building [Crematorium II].
But, first, in the film the document is surreptitiously shown and in such a way that nobody can see the German words. Second, the document in fact does not say anything of that kind. It is a simple Aktenvermerk (reminder note) of January 23, 1943 about… electricity supply! It has not even the very common “Secret” stamp. In reality, it mentions Verbrennung mit gleichzeitiger Sonderbehandlung, which means cremation (or) combustion with simultaneous special treatment. It will be noted that the falsifiers translated special treatment by “to kill” and that they went so far as to change the word order, putting first “to kill”, then “to burn”. The German text, even with such a translation, could never have designated a criminal activity consisting first in gassing people and, then, in burning the bodies of those gassed. The word Sonderbehandlung could, with its place in the sentence, have all kinds of meanings but not that of “to kill”, as this special treatment simply accompanied the action of burning.
It goes without saying that, if Fleming and van Pelt had discovered any German text “saying very clearly” what the “Holocaust” historians had been trying to find for such a long time, that text would have been published, shown and commented on in every newspaper, film, book and museum dealing with the “Holocaust”. Raul Hilberg, Élie Wiesel, Simon Wiesenthal, Serge Klarsfeld would have celebrated the discovery of the century. Instead, they did not say a single word.
[1] See Der Spiegel, 40/1993, p. 160.
[2] “Ja, ich sah die Gaskammer – von aussen”, Ibid.
[3] Id., p. 162.
[4] Horizon, Blueprints of Genocide, text adapted from the programme broadcast on May 9, 1994, 26 pages + 6 pages. See Mariette Jackson, Acting Publishing Manager, Broadcasting Support Service, 252 Western Avenue, London W3 6XJ.
[5] “Nova”, show no. 2204. Air Date: February 7, 1995, 8 pages (2 columns), WGBH [Boston] Educational Foundation. Journal Graphics, Box 2222, South Easton, Massachussets 02375 (USA).