
“The gas isn’t working like before!” The Israeli Gilad Atzmon makes increasingly revisionist remarks

“The gas isn’t working like before!” The Israeli Gilad Atzmon makes increasingly revisionist remarks

Born in Israel in 1963, Gilad Atzmon lives in London. On March 13 of this year he expanded on some thoughts of a revisionist character, which, copied below, do not require the least clarification or commentary; I merely put the parts that seem most interesting in italics (https://gilad.online/writings/after-all-i-am-a-proper-zionist-jew-by-gilad-atzmon.html). When I was young and naïve I…

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: The Black Box [of the Holocaust] should be opened

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: The Black Box [of the Holocaust] should be opened

In Power, Issue no. 368 (November 1, 2009), p. 2-3, Ingrid Rimland writes: “The intrepid Iranian President denies the Holocaust and warns Europeans of the Zionists: ‘They Cling Like Ticks’”. Aired on IRINN, September, 2009 [See Memri’s transcript, September 18, 2009, Clip No. 2247] I. Rimland goes on to write: “Following are excerpts from a speech delivered by…

At the European Parliament, during a conference against “Denial”, Lady Michèle Renouf asks for proof, one single proof, of “the Holocaust”
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At the European Parliament, during a conference against “Denial”, Lady Michèle Renouf asks for proof, one single proof, of “the Holocaust”

From London, where she lives, Lady Michèle Renouf has recently been to Brussels and there, equipped with the necessary authorisations, on October 6, 2009 she was able to take part, inside the very building housing the European Parliament, in a conference on “Denial and Democracy in Europe”. Devoted to the preparation of a pan-European law…


“A stirrer”? Or, rather, “a searcher who finds what wasn’t supposed to be found”?

To a brother-in-law who suspects me of being, with my revisionism, just “a stirrer”, I have recently sent a letter that ended as follows: […] About that little talk of ours over a drink, I recall how you, alluding to my revisionist struggle, told me, kindly and with a smile, that I was a “stirrer” (sic), and…

Famous French sociologist Alain Besançon discovers “the religion of the Shoah”

Famous French sociologist Alain Besançon discovers “the religion of the Shoah”

Already in the late 1970s, at the first heavy blow I struck against them, the historians of “the Holocaust” (which today is often called “Shoah”) had shown their disarray. Whereas I had placed myself on scientific ground to demonstrate, in a way that admitted of no rebuttal, that their alleged homicidal gas chambers were technically inconceivable, they…