
The Mufti has spoken!

The Mufti has spoken!

[from Ingrid Rimland-Zündel’s “ZGram” of March 30, 2000]   Le Monde of March 28, 2000 reports that the Great Mufti of Jerusalem, in the presence of Pope John Paul II, accused, on the 25th of March, Israel of having exaggerated the extent of the “Holocaust” in order to get international support. This is, I think,…

My friend Fredrick Toben (with a letter to Toben’s lawyer in Germany)
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My friend Fredrick Toben (with a letter to Toben’s lawyer in Germany)

If my Australian friend Fredrick Toben is in jail in Germany it is for three reasons – factors for which I share responsibility. First, he became a convinced revisionist essentially by reading my own historical material, of which he has published several articles and essays in translation in his country. Second, after visiting me for…

The active revisionism of Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit
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The active revisionism of Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit

Noël Mamère, a Green MP, finds himself steadily rebuked, on radio as on television, for his acquaintance with another Green, Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit, the elder brother of “Danny the Red”. He is censured for “Gaby” Cohn-Bendit’s compromising relations, twenty years ago, with revisionists such as Pierre Guillaume, head of La Vieille Taupe (“The Old Mole”), Serge…

In the offing: a “Ministry of Defence against revisionism”

In the offing: a “Ministry of Defence against revisionism”

In view of the waning number of surviving war veterans, the relevant government agency (the Ministère des Anciens Combattants) could become a Ministry of Remembrance, i.e., to put it plainly, a ministry in charge of the defence of Jewish (and of Résistance) remembrance against historical revisionism. One may be led to think as much by an…

Press Release: “Dickhead”, “Moron”, “Twit”, “Prat”

Press Release: “Dickhead”, “Moron”, “Twit”, “Prat”

A French editor and publisher has recently been held in police custody, in revolting conditions, for 27 hours on suspicion of historical revisionism. This outrage took place in Lyon; the victim’s name is Jean Plantin. In charge of the review Akribeia, subtitled Histoire, rumeurs, légendes, J. Plantin is known for his exceptional learning and for the seriousness…

On Albert Paraz’s Preface to Le Mensonge d’Ulysse by Paul Rassinier (1950)
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On Albert Paraz’s Preface to Le Mensonge d’Ulysse by Paul Rassinier (1950)

Nearly half a century on, a rereading of the preface which Albert Paraz wrote in 1950 for Paul Rassinier’s Le Mensonge d’Ulysse (“The Lie of Ulysses”) strikes us by the daring of the author’s reasoning and the freedom of his tone. In today’s France there is no longer any place for either of those qualities. The Pleven…

Introduction to Écrits Révisionnistes (1974-1998)

Introduction to Écrits Révisionnistes (1974-1998)

Four volumes (2,082 pages), first released in 1999 Since that date numerous important developments have confirmed and strengthened the late Professor Faurisson’s conclusions. For instance, Jean-Claude Pressac’s going so far as to acknowledge that the official history of the wartime deportation and camps was simply “rotten” and bound “for the rubbish bins of history” (an…