
After Kurt Waldheim and Franjo Tudjman, Hugo Chávez?

Hugo Chávez, a former paratrooper of American Indian extraction, nicknamed “the putschist of the poor”, is president of the Republic of Venezuela. He can expect trouble in his relations with the United States and with a good number of other countries whose governments are careful to heed the World Jewish Congress’s every demand.

The shot in this case, as in so many others, has been fired in Germany, whose mainstream media in general and the weekly magazine Der Spiegel in particular zealously transmit the Jewish lobby’s edicts.

In its recent issue number 39 (September 27, 1999, p. 224, 226, 228), the German magazine, in a piece by Carlos Widmann, states that Chávez, in his speeches, often quotes Clausewitz, Nietzsche, Carl Schmidt and Karl Haushofer but that the quotations in question originate from the works of the Argentine writer Norberto Ceresole. The latter some years ago aroused the wrath of his country’s Jewish community, a fact left unmentioned by Der Spiegel, with his criticisms of the state of Israel, and has since had to seek refuge in Spain. N. Ceresole is also guilty of an unpardonable crime denounced by the journalist:

Among those whose example Ceresole claims to emulate is the Frenchman Robert Faurisson, a “negationist” or denier of the Holocaust who is well-known to the criminal courts (Zu den Vorbildern, auf die Ceresole sich beruft, gehört der Franzose Robert Faurisson ein gerichtnotorischer “Negationist”, also Holocaust-Leugner).

Hugo Chávez, president of the Republic of Venezuela, may soon have to bow low to the Jews, as others before him have been obliged to do, namely the former Austrian president Kurt Waldheim and Franjo Tudjman, president of Croatia and author of a revisionist book published in 1988 under a title which, in Croatian, means The Erring Ways of Historical Truth.[1]  

October 1, 1999


[1] A former general in Tito’s army, F. Tudjman did not hesitate in this work to call into doubt the genocide of the Jews or to attack the exaggerations on the subject of the camp at Jasenovac (“the Croatian Auschwitz”). In the book’s fifth edition (1995) he proceeded to eliminate all passages of a revisionist bent. He obtained from the Argentine government the extradition of Dinko Sakic, the wartime commandant of Jasenovac; the latter was convicted yesterday by a Croatian court of “crimes against humanity” and sentenced to twenty years’ imprisonment.