
Comunicato: nuova perquisizione al domicilio del professor Faurisson

Comunicato: nuova perquisizione al domicilio del professor Faurisson

Mercoledì 19 novembre 2014 due ufficiali della Polizia giudiziaria di Clermont-Ferrand, di cui un comandante, si sono recati a Vichy presso il domicilio del professore Faurisson e hanno proceduto ad una perquisizione per confiscare computer e documenti. Non hanno trovato né il computer né i documenti ricercati. La LICRA (lega internazionale contro il razzismo e…

The case of Gregory Chelli (alias Ulcan, alias ViolVocal), or the French police’s inaction, thus far, in the face of a form of Jewish terrorism

The case of Gregory Chelli (alias Ulcan, alias ViolVocal), or the French police’s inaction, thus far, in the face of a form of Jewish terrorism

Residing, it seems, at times in his native Paris, at other times somewhere in Romania and sometimes in Israel, precisely at Ashdod, right beside the Gaza Strip, the thirty-year-old French-Israeli Gregory Chelli, member of the Jewish Defence League, works, notably by means of the Internet, at making the life of men and women whom he…


Whether “Holocaust by gas” or “Holocaust by bullets”: no physical or forensic evidence!

In a decision handed down on April 26, 1983 senior French judges recognised the scientific character of my own research and findings on what the historian Olga Wormser-Migot, in 1968, called “the problem of the gas chambers”. They concluded that everyone should have the right to say, as I had done, that those alleged weapons…


I am becoming… unnameable

Éric Delcroix, my former lawyer, has just reminded me that the late humorist Pierre Desproges (1939-1988), in a skit for the television show “Le Tribunal des flagrants délires” (The Court of in flagrante delirio), once portrayed me as an unnameable character, unnameable at least for the French justice system. Announcing the accused’s appearance, the court…



“France may ban black comedian for anti-Semitic jibes” Reuters – Fri, 27 Dec, 2013 (   By Tom Heneghan, Religion Editor   PARIS (Reuters) – France is considering banning performances by a black comedian whose shows have repeatedly insulted the memory of Holocaust victims and could threaten public order, Interior Minister Manuel Valls said on…

The death of a distinguished lawyer, Doug Christie, “the Battling Barrister”

The death of a distinguished lawyer, Doug Christie, “the Battling Barrister”

As “Bocage” announced earlier today in French, Douglas (Doug) Christie has died. For its part, the Canadian English-language press has put out the news in terms which, unfortunately, can be easily imagined when one knows that D. Christie had especially made himself known for his uncompromising defence of a major figure of historical revisionism, Ernst…