

The alleged “Holocaust” of the Jews is proving ever more dangerous

Current events in the Middle East confirm it: the alleged “Holocaust” of the Jews is a historical lie that is proving ever more dangerous. Let us recall that this alleged “Holocaust”, which is the sword and the shield of the State of Israel, possesses at least three aberrant features: 1) It has created “survivors” (“miraculous” ones) by the…

In the 17th chamber of the Paris Correctional Court, the CRIF and Yahweh against Professor Robert Faurisson
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In the 17th chamber of the Paris Correctional Court, the CRIF and Yahweh against Professor Robert Faurisson

They came to grief for it. Quite a bad idea, picking a quarrel with Professor Faurisson. That is what they have learned to their cost, “they” being, first, Madame le substitut du procureur (“deputy public prosecutor”) of the French Republic in Paris, Anne de Fontette, initiator of the proceedings, then the three civil plaintiffs – the LICRA…

Toast from Arthur Butz to Robert Faurisson on the day of the “Sahar” trial in Paris

Toast from Arthur Butz to Robert Faurisson on the day of the “Sahar” trial in Paris

Apart from one exception, I envy my friend Robert’s situation. This man has exposed the vulgar pretences of our leaders, whose positions are now seen to rest on the empty egg shells and old tin cans revealed by his intrepid scholarship. He is a great man. The persecution of Robert started at the outset of…

Grave error by Robert Fisk on the subject of Victor Klemperer’s Diary

Robert Fisk is the journalist of The Independent (London) who has made rather a name for himself with his many reports on the current situation of the Palestinians, whom he bravely describes as victims of their country’s invasion and occupation by the Jewish Army. His courage has earned him enemies. Is it in order to disarm those enemies…


For Hossein Amiri

I have not yet met Hossein Amiri, who works at the Iranian press agency Mehr News, and have not read the manuscript of the book on the “Holocaust” and on revisionism that, as he tells me, he plans to have published soon by the Centre for Palestine and Middle East Records and Strategic Studies (Tehran). Nonetheless,…

A considerable – and official – revision of the number of dead at Majdanek

A considerable – and official – revision of the number of dead at Majdanek

“Six million dead or one million dead: what’s the difference?” My answer to this question is: “Five million people, for whom it’s the biggest possible difference, the one between life and death.” It is, in part, upon the indifference to facts and figures that historical lies are built. In 1945–1946 the Nuremberg tribunal received document…

Pierre Vidal-Naquet wants to strangle, crush, kill Faurisson

Pierre Vidal-Naquet wants to strangle, crush, kill Faurisson

The whole back page of today’s French daily Libération is devoted to Pierre Vidal-Naquet. The article is by Judith Rueff and headed “L’antimythe” (“The antimyth”). Above the heading: “Pierre Vidal-Naquet, aged 75, historian and Hellenist. Fierce opponent of torture during the war in Algeria, he has never since stopped fighting all falsifications”. Extracts of the article: “His…

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Revisionism in Iran, in France and in the world

With his recent statements on “the myth of the Holocaust”, the president of Iran has given new momentum to the development of historical revisionism, as is made plain by the following exchange between the Managing Director of the Neda Institute of Political Sciences (Teheran) and the Frenchman Robert Faurisson.   Dr Jawad Sharbaf, Managing Director,…


On the UN’s “Holocaust Day”: interview published in the Tehran Times

Robert Faurisson on “International Holocaust Day”: “Zionist* power stems from the West’s belief in the ‘Holocaust’ myth” From the Tehran Times political desk   Q: As you know the UN General Assembly on Tuesday (November 1) passed a resolution designating January 27 as an international day of commemoration of the Jewish and other victims of the Holocaust….