Pierre Vidal-Naquet

Présentation de La Mystification du XXe siècle

Présentation de La Mystification du XXe siècle

Pour l’auteur de The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (La Mystification du XXe siècle) la prétendue extermination physique des juifs européens pendant la seconde guerre mondiale constitue ce qu’on peut indifféremment appeler un mensonge historique, un mythe, une imposture ou, comme c’est ici le cas, une mystification (le mot de «hoax» se traduit indifféremment par « mystification…

Presentazione di La Mystification du XXe siècle

Presentazione di La Mystification du XXe siècle

Per l’autore di The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (“La mistificazione del XX° secolo”), il preteso sterminio fisico degli ebrei europei durante la seconda guerra mondiale costituisce ciò che si può indifferentemente chiamare una menzogna storica, un mito, un’impostura o, come in questo caso, una mistificazione (la parola “hoax” si traduce indifferentemente con “mistificazione” o “beffa”)….

Preface to Georges Theil’s Heresy in Twenty-first Century France: A case of insubmission to the “Holocaust” dogma

Preface to Georges Theil’s Heresy in Twenty-first Century France: A case of insubmission to the “Holocaust” dogma

Historical revisionism, the great intellectual adventure of the late twentieth century, continues at the dawn of the twenty-first, as perilous as ever. But what is known of the revisionists? What stuff are they made of, these unsubdued people who, in France or abroad, persist in braving the written and unwritten laws? They are hunted, caught…


Against the revisionists, argument ad hominem (Nicholas Fraser, Adrien Le Bihan, Pierre Vidal-Naquet)

At times, in a debate of ideas, an attack on the person of the adversary can be justified if, explicitly or implicitly, this type of attack is preceded or accompanied by an argumentation on the substance. On the other hand, a pure and simple ad hominem argument, without further ado, only betrays an inability to…

Is the “Diary” of Anne Frank Genuine? Author’s preface to the Italian edition
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Is the “Diary” of Anne Frank Genuine? Author’s preface to the Italian edition

Cesare Saletta, to whom I am indebted for the present translation, is a man of distinguished intellect. I thank him for his work and gladly accede to his wish that I bring forth a few clarifications on the lot that has befallen my analysis of the alleged diary of Anne Frank. This analysis, if I…

È autentico il “Diario” di Anna Frank? Prefazione alla traduzione italiana
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È autentico il “Diario” di Anna Frank? Prefazione alla traduzione italiana

(Graphos, Genova, 2000, 124 pp., traduzione di Cesare Saletta dello studio di Robert Faurisson Le Journal d’Anne Frank est-il authentique? pubblicato in Serge Thion, Vérité historique ou vérité politique?, La Vieille Taupe, Parigi, pp. 213-300)   Cesare Saletta, a cui sono debitore per la traduzione che il lettore troverà qui di seguito, è uno spirito distinto. Lo ringrazio per…

Le “Journal” d’Anne Frank est-il authentique ? Préface à la traduction italienne
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Le “Journal” d’Anne Frank est-il authentique ? Préface à la traduction italienne

Cesare Saletta, à qui je suis redevable de la traduction qu’on va lire, est un esprit distingué. Je le remercie de son travail et c’est bien volontiers que je réponds à son désir de me voir apporter au lecteur quelques éclaircissements sur le sort qui a été fait à mon analyse du prétendu journal d’Anne…

Sur Valérie Igounet, Histoire du négationnisme en France

Sur Valérie Igounet, Histoire du négationnisme en France

Fax à Serge Thion Nunuche a produit son livre sur le « Négationnisme ». L’entretien avec Jean-Claude Pressac est impayable. Jacques Baynac est abondamment cité mais on passe sous silence ses deux longs articles du Nouveau Quotidien de Lausanne de septembre 1996 où il est dit qu’il n’y a pas de preuves de l’existence des chambres à…

An orthodox historian finally acknowledges: There is no evidence for the Nazi gas chambers

An orthodox historian finally acknowledges: There is no evidence for the Nazi gas chambers

Jacques Baynac, born in 1939, is a French historian whose sympathies place him on the left of the political spectrum.[1] He harbours a definite hostility towards the revisionists (whom he calls “negationists”), and particularly towards revisionist writer and publisher Pierre Guillaume and myself. He has always asserted the existence of the Nazi gas chambers. Now, however,…