Hossein Amiri


Pour Hossein Amiri

Je n’ai pas encore rencontré Hossein Amiri, qui travaille à l’agence de presse iranienne Mehr News, et je n’ai pas lu le manuscrit de l’ouvrage qu’il s’apprête, m’a-t-il dit, à publier sur «l’Holocauste» et sur le révisionnisme aux éditions du Centre for Palestine and Middle East Records and Strategic Studies. Cependant, j’ai pu entretenir avec lui…


Per Hossein Amiri

Non ho ancora incontrato Hossein Amiri, che lavora presso l’agenzia di stampa iraniana Mehr News, e non ho letto il manoscritto del libro che sta per pubblicare, mi ha detto, sull’”Olocausto” e sul revisionismo da parte del Centre for Palestine and Middle East Records and Strategic Studies. Tuttavia, ho potuto mantenere una corrispondenza con lui…


For Hossein Amiri

I have not yet met Hossein Amiri, who works at the Iranian press agency Mehr News, and have not read the manuscript of the book on the “Holocaust” and on revisionism that, as he tells me, he plans to have published soon by the Centre for Palestine and Middle East Records and Strategic Studies (Tehran). Nonetheless,…


On the UN’s “Holocaust Day”: interview published in the Tehran Times

Robert Faurisson on “International Holocaust Day”: “Zionist* power stems from the West’s belief in the ‘Holocaust’ myth” From the Tehran Times political desk   Q: As you know the UN General Assembly on Tuesday (November 1) passed a resolution designating January 27 as an international day of commemoration of the Jewish and other victims of the Holocaust….