gas chambers

An orthodox historian finally acknowledges: There is no evidence for the Nazi gas chambers

An orthodox historian finally acknowledges: There is no evidence for the Nazi gas chambers

Jacques Baynac, born in 1939, is a French historian whose sympathies place him on the left of the political spectrum.[1] He harbours a definite hostility towards the revisionists (whom he calls “negationists”), and particularly towards revisionist writer and publisher Pierre Guillaume and myself. He has always asserted the existence of the Nazi gas chambers. Now, however,…

A date in the history of revisionism: April 22, 1993 / The US Holocaust Memorial Museum: a challenge

A date in the history of revisionism: April 22, 1993 / The US Holocaust Memorial Museum: a challenge

The question of the existence or non-existence of the Nazi gas chambers is one of considerable historical importance. If the gas chambers existed, they provide evidence that the Germans attempted to physically exterminate the Jews; on the other hand, if they didn’t exist, we have no evidence of such an extermination attempt. Pierre Vidal-Naquet, a…

Foreword to Barbara Kulaszka’s Did Six Million Really Die?: Report of the Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel – 1988

Foreword to Barbara Kulaszka’s Did Six Million Really Die?: Report of the Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel – 1988

Did the “Holocaust” of the European Jews really occur? Is it true that during the Second World War, the Germans ordered, planned and carried out a policy of physical destruction of the European Jews? More specifically, did they design, build and use execution gas chambers for that purpose? Did they cause the deaths of millions…

Preface to the re-edition of A-t-on lu Rimbaud?

Preface to the re-edition of A-t-on lu Rimbaud?

In 1961 Jean-Jacques Pauvert published A-t-on lu Rimbaud ?  (“Has Rimbaud been read?”). In 1971, he republished the work together with the additional text “L’affaire Rimbaud”. Without “driving the whole country mad”, as René Étiemble put it, the book still had some success and caused a bit of brainstorming. In it I showed that, notwithstanding his reputation, Rimbaud…