gas chambers

On Fred Leuchter
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On Fred Leuchter

Michael Hoffman has recently sent me the new, enriched edition of the book he devoted in 1985 to Ernst Zündel’s first big trial in Toronto that year. (The second big trial was to take place in 1988.) The present book bears the title The Great Holocaust Trial and the author dubs it the “twenty-fifth anniversary edition.” A few days ago, leafing…


The Auschwitz mortuary registers: let’s demand their publication!

Today the French weekly France-Soir carries a piece headed Raphaël Feigelson, the Frenchman who led the Russians to Auschwitz. The said Raphaël Feigelson has always lied just as he breathes. In 1945 he stated that, at Auschwitz, 7 (seven) million persons had died (R. Faurisson, Écrits révisionnistes (1974-1998), 1999, p. 1731, where sources and explanations are provided: Combien…

“The Victories of Revisionism”: study presented at the conference “Examination of the Holocaust: a global vision” held in Teheran on December 11 and 12, 2006

“The Victories of Revisionism”: study presented at the conference “Examination of the Holocaust: a global vision” held in Teheran on December 11 and 12, 2006

To President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad To our prisoners of conscience Ernst Zündel, Germar Rudolf, Horst Mahler To Arthur Butz, Fred Leuchter, Barbara Kulaszka, Ahmed Rami, Gerd Honsik, Heinz Koppe   Abstract At the Nuremberg trial (1945-1946), a tribunal of the victors accused a defeated Germany notably 1) of having ordered and planned the physical extermination of the…

Chemical engineer Wolfgang Fröhlich arrested in Vienna
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Chemical engineer Wolfgang Fröhlich arrested in Vienna

On Saturday, June 21 chemical engineer (Dipl. Ing.) Wolfgang Fröhlich, 51, was arrested in Vienna, Austria, and taken to prison. His trial could last two days, as the public prosecutor wishes, or as long as two or three weeks, as his lawyer, Dr Herbert Schaller, hopes. For seven years Fröhlich had sent to jurists, members…

The active revisionism of Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit
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The active revisionism of Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit

Noël Mamère, a Green MP, finds himself steadily rebuked, on radio as on television, for his acquaintance with another Green, Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit, the elder brother of “Danny the Red”. He is censured for “Gaby” Cohn-Bendit’s compromising relations, twenty years ago, with revisionists such as Pierre Guillaume, head of La Vieille Taupe (“The Old Mole”), Serge…

On Albert Paraz’s Preface to Le Mensonge d’Ulysse by Paul Rassinier (1950)
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On Albert Paraz’s Preface to Le Mensonge d’Ulysse by Paul Rassinier (1950)

Nearly half a century on, a rereading of the preface which Albert Paraz wrote in 1950 for Paul Rassinier’s Le Mensonge d’Ulysse (“The Lie of Ulysses”) strikes us by the daring of the author’s reasoning and the freedom of his tone. In today’s France there is no longer any place for either of those qualities. The Pleven…

Introduction to Écrits Révisionnistes (1974-1998)

Introduction to Écrits Révisionnistes (1974-1998)

Four volumes (2,082 pages), first released in 1999 Since that date numerous important developments have confirmed and strengthened the late Professor Faurisson’s conclusions. For instance, Jean-Claude Pressac’s going so far as to acknowledge that the official history of the wartime deportation and camps was simply “rotten” and bound “for the rubbish bins of history” (an…