David Cole

Fredrick Töben et Robert Faurisson à propos de Fritz Berg

Fredrick Töben et moi avons récemment échangé par courriel des observations que je reproduis ici dans leur intégralité. 10 juillet, Robert Faurisson à Fredrick Töben Merci, Fredrick, d’avoir pris ma défense. Très amicalement. 11 juillet, Fredrick Töben à Robert Faurisson Robert, je ne comprends tout simplement pas pourquoi Fritz continue de cette manière – sans…

David Cole is back

David Cole is back

David Cole, an American Jew born in 1968, once took to revisionism but as an amateur and without much concern for research or accuracy. Some of his fellow Jews were quick to make life hard for him and, finally, to treat him like a Palestinian. He took fright, signed a retraction, then decided to change his name and…

Bradley Smith, Break His Bones: The Private Life of a Holocaust Revisionist

Bradley Smith, Break His Bones: The Private Life of a Holocaust Revisionist

Foreword to the French edition, Confidences d’un révisionniste américain Bradley Smith was born in Los Angeles in 1930 to working-class parents who were of Roman Catholic background but hardly church-going. As a child, he liked the stories his mother read to him, and enjoyed reading as well. At the age of ten or eleven, he discovered…

Auschwitz I: Not “reconstruction” but falsification

Auschwitz I: Not “reconstruction” but falsification

LETTER (for publication) to Mark WEBER and Greg RAVEN, Institute for Historical Review   I deplore the fact that, in its September-December 1999 issue, the Journal insists on saying that the Auschwitz main camp “gas chamber” visited by millions of tourists over the decades is “actually a postwar reconstruction” (photo caption, p. 13), or simply that…

On David Cole

On David Cole

I received only on June 9 a copy of David Cole’s letter to Bradley Smith dated April 28, 1995. I never suspected D. Cole of being a mole and I still do not think he ever was a mole. He is uncontrollable even by himself. As soon as I met him, in September 1992 at…


Revisionist news from France (and Japan)

L’Express, a well-known and largely Jewish-owned weekly, has published a dossier on Auschwitz made by journalist and historian Eric Conan, a dedicated anti-revisionist (L’Express, 19-25 January 1995, p. 54-73). The two main points are that, after a five-year battle between the “experts”, Lech Welesa, president of the Polish Republic, decided that the new revised number…


Les juifs pourraient renoncer au mythe de la chambre à gaz nazie

Après l’avoir dénoncé, persécuté, condamné comme le pire des criminels, les juifs se sont vus contraints, devant l’abondance des découvertes révisionnistes sur la réalité du camp de Treblinka, de relâcher John Demjanjuk, à qui ils auront, au total, infligé un calvaire de seize années. Quant à Yasser Arafat que, pendant vingt ans, ils ont présenté…