
Ursula Haverbeck again

My readers will recall that towards the end of last year I had occasion to speak of Ursula Haverbeck, a German lady aged 87 (A Great German Lady opens the Black Box of the Holocaust”, December 16, 2014).

She is a revisionist without concessions.

She is impressive by her courage and even by her heroism.

She disconcerts her country’s judiciary, which will perhaps sentence her before long to a heavy prison term for her revisionist activities which, thus far, have only earned her fines. Her strength of conviction, her candour, her knowledge of the holocaustic dossier and, to begin with, her personal experience of the war and the times just afterwards, but also the tone, words, accents she finds to evoke the consequences that an indoctrination for permanent humiliation has had on her people, are deeply moving. She manifests no hatred towards anyone.

I urge my readers to become acquainted with two videos in which she expresses herself. The first, which runs for 19 minutes, is her own production of last December entitled The Biggest Problem of our Time; the second, 49 minutes in length, is an interview, broadcast on March 23, 2015, with a journalist of the leading German public television channel, Das Erste! It constitutes an extraordinary, indeed unprecedented event in the mainstream media.

Both videos are in German with English subtitles. Let’s hope that French-subtitled versions will soon be available.

May 20, 2015