
A Great German Lady opens the black box of “the Holocaust”

At her own risk and peril, a great German lady has publicly opened the black box of “the Holocaust”. She has done so in the country which, along with Austria, is the most ruthless in Europe against historical revisionism.

The bond of the German and Austrian authorities with their nations’ cardinal sin is all the stronger as that sin is but the product of vile wartime propaganda tales.

Added to this form of masochistic perversion is a reflex of attachment to order (Wie geht’s? “How are things?” Regular answer: Alles in Ordnung. “Everything’s in order”).

For far too many German minds, historical revisionism will tend to arouse misgiving; it poses a danger to order and security (Ordnung und Sicherheit).

I invite you to have a thought for Sylvia Stolz, “the German Joan of Arc”, and for the late Reinhold Elstner who, in Munich on April 25, 1995, burnt himself to death in protest against “the Niagara of lies” poured onto his people. Remember that all those who left flowers at the site of his suicide were questioned by the police soon afterwards. See the In Memoriam that opens the first volume of my Écrits révisionnistes, p. v-vi.

Now to the point at hand.

On December 13, 2014 Ursula Haverbeck, aged 86, the widow of a pastor, took the heroic decision to address her fellow Germans on what she calls “The greatest problem of our time”. It is the greatest historical problem with philosophical, moral and political implications of the past 70 years. This historical problem is that of whether the genocide of approximately six million Jews, particularly by means of homicidal gas chambers, is a historical reality or not.

For her video, which is in German with English subtitles, see Ursula Haverbeck “The Greatest Problem of Our Time” (19 m.).

It is very likely indeed that the German justice system will be making a criminal case against Ursula Haverbeck. I shall keep you informed of whatever comes of this serious matter.

For now, I have done no more than to send the following message to the friend who informed me of the event.

Please convey my compliments to Ursula Haverbeck, that great lady who, I hope, will not forget that the first man in the world to adduce material arguments of an architectural or physical and chemical nature in order to solve “das grösste Problem unserer Zeit” was a Frenchman, Robert Faurisson, disciple of another Frenchman, Paul Rassinier, and of an American, Arthur Robert Butz.

Finally, if there is a man to whom we owe a great deal for having faced this terrible problem, it seems to me that it is unquestionably the German Ernst Zündel. That said, let us never forget the number, growing every year, of those who, throughout the world and not only in Germany or Austria, have contributed so much through their work or their sacrifices to solving what Ursula Haverbeck calls “the greatest problem of our time”.

Website: web.archive.org/web/20170704120431/http://www.ursula-haverbeck.info 

December 16, 2014