
Interview no. 2 with Radio Islam (Ahmed Rami)

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like first to express my admiration for Ahmed Rami for his courage and for what he is achieving. He is in jail. But in jail or out of jail, if I may say so, it doesn’t matter very much. Because his ideas are progressing more and more all over the world. I mean his revisionist ideas. I consider that the man who threw Ahmed Rami in jail, the Swedish prosecutor, is guilty of a crime. But at the same time I think I should thank this man because, by throwing Ahmed Rami in jail, he is making revisionist ideas progress.

Now let me give you some news since the last time I talked to you. I think it was on the 14th of April. As usual the situation for revisionist people is more and more difficult. But the situation for the revisionist ideas is better and better. So bad news first – I mean about revisionist people. On the 18th of April I was myself convicted by a French court because I had in an interview denied the existence of the alleged gas chambers in German concentration camps and the policy, the alleged policy, of the physical destruction of the jews. This was possible because we have, since the 14th of July 1990, a special law against revisionist people. I was convicted and ordered to pay 250,000 francs. Part of it is a suspended sentence. That part is 100,000 francs. This means that right now I have to pay 150,000 francs and if ever I do it again in five years I will have to pay 100,000 francs more. But on the 18th of April in the afternoon I decided to do it again immediately. I didn’t wait 5 years – not even 5 hours because I think that it is my duty to battle against this awful lie. My publisher was himself convicted and ordered to pay 180,000 francs. Himself and myself, we decided to appeal against this sentence. On the 20th of April some jews attacked a group of twelve old people at a meeting and one of those old people, a lady of 67, is still today in a profound coma. A man had his skull broken. He has lost the possibility of talking and is paralysed on his right side. Many other people have been terribly wounded as I was myself on the 16th of September 1989 when I was attacked by three jews in Vichy.

A revisionist publisher, Pierre Guillaume, has a bookshop in Paris. Every Tuesday did jews come and hold demonstrations and sometimes violent demonstrations against his bookshop. And there are many other bits of bad news. Specially for Bernard Notin, professor at the University of Lyon. The authorities had decided that, in spite of the fact that he was a revisionist, he could teach. But the Jews, the Jewish organisations, decided that, no matter what the decision, they had themselves decided that Bernard Notin would no longer teach in Lyon.

Now the good news – I mean the news for revisionism. First, in Germany I would say that there is now a real panic. Since quite recently 200,000 copies of a free commercial newspaper have been distributed. In this newspaper, called Münchener Anzeiger, you have a very long interview with Ahmed Rami. And you have a page about the big Auschwitz lie. And people are quite surprised by that and very interested. And the enemies of revisionism do not know what to do and how to handle the case.

Something else – we learned only very recently that the newspapers all over the world were hiding an extraordinary piece of news. And now I am going to talk to you about this piece of news. We have to go back to the 24th of September 1990. On this day a foreign research institute for toxicology in Krakow, Poland, sent a letter to the Auschwitz Museum authorities who had asked for a foreign research study of the gas chambers in Auschwitz. I mean the gas chambers for disinfestations and the alleged gas chambers for killing people. And do you know the result, the extraordinary result? The result is that in the gas chambers for disinfestations you have many, many traces of hydro-cyanic acid, which stays for centuries and centuries and in the places, supposed to have been used to kill people, you have no trace of hydro-cyanic acid. Which means that the American Fred Leuchter was right in his famous report (as) for the trial of Ernst Zündel in Toronto.

Now, a woman called Madeleine Rebérioux, who is an historian and at the same time the head of the League of Human Rights in France. This lady is totally against us. But now she sees herself obliged to make a confession. Recently she said that the gas chambers, that you could visit in Auschwitz, were entirely built up for the visitors. This is extraordinary!! So please, when you go and visit those places, ask the authorities, “But what do you think about what Madeleine Rebérioux said? Is it right that it has been entirely been built up for tourists?”

Another bit of news: in Tunisia a newspaper called La Presse, a newspaper in French, on the 12th of May (the day before yesterday), published an article which is entirely revisionist and talked about Ahmed Rami. And now revisionism is expanding in Tunisia. And the newspaper has been suppressed by the french authorities in France.

There is much, much other good news and what I would say to conclude is this: I see perfectly well that it is going to be more and more difficult for Ahmed Rami, for myself and for so many revisionists all over the world but I think that we do not mind very much, because I see that people who are against us are getting more and more upset. They do not know what to do, what to say, what to write and what to answer. This is the case in Paris, in Stockholm, in London, in Brussels, in Munich, in Vienna, Austria, in Warsaw, Poland, in Rome, in Madrid, in Boston, in Los Angeles, in Toronto, in Melbourne. And those people are especially anxious because they see that Arab people and moslem people are now awakening. They are beginning to understand that there is a big lie. So, whatever the court decision might be, I do not mind. I’ll do it again. I’ll maintain and I know that one day I shall win. And many people with me, many people with Ahmed Rami everywhere, all over the world. Thank you.

May 14, 1992