
For Vincent Reynouard

For Vincent Reynouard

I sincerely hope that the recent appeal by Vincent Reynouard with, at his side, Marie Bruchet, will be heard by all our friends. At the strictly scientific and historical level revisionism has won the match but, on the other hand, at the educational, propaganda and media level we are more and more besieged. To the general…

For at least the fifth time, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has denounced the taboo of “the Holocaust” or “Shoa”

For at least the fifth time, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has denounced the taboo of “the Holocaust” or “Shoa”

In December 2006 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, had invited revisionists as well as anti-revisionists to Tehran to speak freely at an international conference on “the Holocaust”, an occasion that was to end with the resounding defeat of the chief representative of the anti-revisionist case, an Iranian academic and “visiting professor” at…

Fabien Fournier (Lyon Capitale) rompt le silence sur la conférence “Hollywoodisme et Cinéma” à Téhéran

Fabien Fournier (Lyon Capitale) rompt le silence sur la conférence “Hollywoodisme et Cinéma” à Téhéran

Le 8 février 2012, Fabien Fournier, 35 ans, journaliste de Lyon Capitale, “premier site lyonnais d’actualité en ligne, magazine mensuel lyonnais Lyon Capitale, m’a téléphoné à mon domicile pour me poser au sujet de Bruno Gollnisch une question à laquelle j’ai dit à cinq reprises que je refusais de répondre. Je l’ai rappelé pour lui faire…

The “Final solution of the Jewish question” was a territorial solution!
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The “Final solution of the Jewish question” was a territorial solution!

Never did the Berlin-Wannsee conference (January 20, 1942) decide on any “extermination” of the Jews of Europe. The very idea of such a decision taken in that place and on that date has been described as silly (sic) by Yehuda Bauer, professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (see Importance of Wannsee Rejected, Canadian Jewish…

Defamation of a genius

Defamation of a genius

I am in the habit of calling Arthur Robert Butz “Doctor Genius”. For me, he is the Number One scientific revisionist of “the Holocaust”. I have just read the article about him in the American online publication New Voices (“National Jewish Student Magazine”), dated November 30, 2011 and entitled He still teaches, students still squirm. Nothing in the piece suggests that the author, one Gabi P. Remz, a first-year student at Northwestern University…

The Victories of Revisionism (continued)

The Victories of Revisionism (continued)

On December 11, 2006 I completed a twenty-page study entitled “The Victories of Revisionism”. In it I noted, as examples, twenty victories won by the revisionists on the strictly historical and scientific level, whereas, on the media and judicial levels, their opponents continued to occupy nearly all the terrain. The “Holocaust” sectarians concealed their defeats and went…