territorial final solution

For Ernst Zündel
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For Ernst Zündel

These lines are not addressed to those who already know Ernst Zündel – the man, his deeds and his writings – but to the Canadians who know only what the mass media, taken together, have chosen to report about him. It may be feared that those Canadians have been led to misjudge E. Zündel and,…

Foreword to The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (French edition)

Foreword to The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (French edition)

For the author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century the alleged physical extermination of Europe’s Jews during the Second World War constitutes what in French may be termed indifferently either a historical lie, a myth, an imposture or, as is the case here, a hoax. In France and in quite a few other countries this mystification…