Ron Thomas

Foreword to Barbara Kulaszka’s Did Six Million Really Die?: Report of the Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel – 1988

Foreword to Barbara Kulaszka’s Did Six Million Really Die?: Report of the Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel – 1988

Did the “Holocaust” of the European Jews really occur? Is it true that during the Second World War, the Germans ordered, planned and carried out a policy of physical destruction of the European Jews? More specifically, did they design, build and use execution gas chambers for that purpose? Did they cause the deaths of millions…

Le révisionnisme au Canada : les procès Zündel (1985 et 1988)

Le révisionnisme au Canada : les procès Zündel (1985 et 1988)

Ernst Zündel a été condamné le 13 mai 1988 par le juge Ron Thomas (District Court of Ontario, Toronto, Canada) à neuf mois de prison ferme et immédiatement incarcéré pour avoir diffusé une brochure révisionniste aujourd’hui vieille de quatorze ans : Did Six Million Really Die ? Ernst Zündel vit à Toronto où, jusqu’à ces…