Gayssot Act

Is Angela Merkel going to endorse Elie Wiesel’s lies and, particularly, his lie of the extermination of the Jews at Auschwitz by fire, not by gas?

Is Angela Merkel going to endorse Elie Wiesel’s lies and, particularly, his lie of the extermination of the Jews at Auschwitz by fire, not by gas?

On Monday, April 24, 2017 Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and former member of the Communist “Free German Youth” in the German Democratic Republic, will receive the Elie Wiesel Award from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington (see German Chancellor Merkel to Receive Museum’s 2017 Elie Wiesel Award, USHMM press…

On December 29, 1978, Le Monde published, under my name, “’The problem of the gas chambers’ or ‘the rumour of Auschwitz’”

On December 29, 1978, Le Monde published, under my name, “’The problem of the gas chambers’ or ‘the rumour of Auschwitz’”

This piece does not constitute a record of the debate on the question of the Nazi gas chambers. It is merely intended for the layman who would like to know the circumstances in which Le Monde, in 1978, came to give me the chance to express myself on that subject, and to have an idea of…

Professor Faurisson in police custody for questioning – his house searched
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Professor Faurisson in police custody for questioning – his house searched

Retired university professor Robert Faurisson lives in the central French town of Vichy. At 9 am on January 24 he answered a summons to appear at the local police station. No sooner had he arrived there than he was notified by three senior officers, sent from Paris the day before, that he was now in…

À la XVIIe chambre, le CRIF et Yahvé contre le professeur Robert Faurisson
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À la XVIIe chambre, le CRIF et Yahvé contre le professeur Robert Faurisson

Mal leur en a pris. Il ne fallait pas chercher querelle au professeur Faurisson. C’est ce qu’ont appris à leurs dépens, d’abord, le substitut du procureur de la République, Anne de Fontette, initiateur des poursuites, puis, les trois parties civiles (LICRA, MRAP, Ligue des droits de l’homme) et, enfin, le nouveau président de la XVIIe chambre,…

In the 17th chamber of the Paris Correctional Court, the CRIF and Yahweh against Professor Robert Faurisson
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In the 17th chamber of the Paris Correctional Court, the CRIF and Yahweh against Professor Robert Faurisson

They came to grief for it. Quite a bad idea, picking a quarrel with Professor Faurisson. That is what they have learned to their cost, “they” being, first, Madame le substitut du procureur (“deputy public prosecutor”) of the French Republic in Paris, Anne de Fontette, initiator of the proceedings, then the three civil plaintiffs – the LICRA…

Letter to Horst Mahler

Letter to Horst Mahler

Professor Robert Faurisson, born in 1929, lectured in modern and contemporary French literature at the Sorbonne and the University of Lyon, specialising at the latter in the “Appraisal of texts and documents (literature, history, media)”. In the 1970s he demonstrated the radical impossibility, on physical and chemical grounds, of the existence and operation of the…

Preface to Georges Theil’s Heresy in Twenty-first Century France: A case of insubmission to the “Holocaust” dogma

Preface to Georges Theil’s Heresy in Twenty-first Century France: A case of insubmission to the “Holocaust” dogma

Historical revisionism, the great intellectual adventure of the late twentieth century, continues at the dawn of the twenty-first, as perilous as ever. But what is known of the revisionists? What stuff are they made of, these unsubdued people who, in France or abroad, persist in braving the written and unwritten laws? They are hunted, caught…