final territorial solution

The “Final solution of the Jewish question” was a territorial solution!
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The “Final solution of the Jewish question” was a territorial solution!

Never did the Berlin-Wannsee conference (January 20, 1942) decide on any “extermination” of the Jews of Europe. The very idea of such a decision taken in that place and on that date has been described as silly (sic) by Yehuda Bauer, professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (see Importance of Wannsee Rejected, Canadian Jewish…

Affirmation, not denial

[from the Journal of Historical review, Jan.-Feb. 1999, p. 21] A reminder: Revisionists do not deny the genocide and the gas chambers. That is a misconception. Galileo didn’t deny that the earth was stationary; he affirmed, at the conclusion of his research, that the earth was not stationary, but that it rotated on its axis and…

Reply to Jeremy Jones (Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council)

Reply to Jeremy Jones (Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council)

Professor Robert Faurisson replies to Jeremy Jones’s statement of 25 November 1997 Jeremy Jones makes two accusations against the short witness statement of 3 November 1997 that I wrote on behalf of Dr Fredrick Töben. The first accusation is that I misrepresented the Arno Mayer quote: “Sources for the study of the gas chambers are…