Joe Fallisi presents the publication in Italian of the Introduction to my Écrits révisionnistes (1974-1998)
Dated December 3, 1998, this Introduction covers 48 pages (VII-LV) of Tome I of my Écrits révisionnistes, of which seven volumes have appeared thus far, with an eighth, and perhaps more, to come.* Below, first in Italian, then in English, is how this introduction is presented today by the tenor Joe Fallisi under the heading “Agli altri è inutile rivolgersi” (It’s pointless to turn to the others):
L’Introduzione di Robert Faurisson ai suoi “Scritti revisionisti”, che ora si può leggere online integralmente in traduzione italiana, la reputo eccezionale.
Rifulgono tutte le migliori qualità dell’eroico studioso francese: lingua bella e precisa, penna cristallina, capacità di andare all’essenziale, equanimità, umanità, assenza di risentimento (così come di retorica) e, insieme, implacabile occhio veritiero.
È molto più che una semplice “Introduzione”. È uno splendido saggio complessivo in cui le ragioni (la ragione) di una vita di battaglie, di aggressioni (di tutti i generi) subìte, di lotta coraggiosa e senza tentennamenti per la giustizia storica sono offerte al lettore che ancora conservi la buona fede. Agli altri è inutile rivolgersi. “Che i vili sian governati dai malvagi – è giusto” (Plotino).
Robert Faurisson’s Introduction to his “Revisionist Writings”, which can now be read online in full in Italian translation, is, in my view, an exceptional piece.
In it shine all the best qualities of the heroic French scholar: beautiful and precise language, crystalline pen, ability to go straight to the essential, equanimity, humanity, absence of bitterness (and of rhetoric) and, with that, an implacable, truthful eye.
This text is much more than a simple “Introduction”: it is a splendid overall essay in which the reasons (the reason) of a life of battles waged and attacks (of all kinds) endured, of courageous, unhesitating struggle for historical justice are offered to the reader who is still possessed of good faith. It’s pointless to address oneself to the others. “That the ignoble should be governed by the wicked – is just” (Plotinus).
July 4, 2017
* Jean Plantin (Éditions Akribeia, 45/3, Route de Vourles, F-69230 Saint-Genis-Laval) reports that, unhappily, his stock of the first four volumes is exhausted; as for volumes V, VI and VII, they are available for €30 each (for delivery charges simply consult Today, like any good publisher, the heroic J. Plantin deserves our support. I myself receive nothing from the sale of my writings. As for my “Introduction”, it can be read in English here.