
Daniel Barenboïm as Pharisee

Daniel Barenboïm as Pharisee

Have our ears had enough hammering with noise about “pro-Palestinian” or “pacifist” Jews in the style of Daniel Barenboïm? Le Monde, on its front page of November 21–22, 2004 (continued on page 12), carries an article by D. Barenboïm entitled “The Autocrat [Yassir Arafat] is dead, long live the Palestinian people!” In it, the conductor writes…

Fritjof Meyer has withdrawn from the public debate

Fritjof Meyer has withdrawn from the public debate

In May of 2002 Fritjof Meyer, editor-in-chief of the magazine Der Spiegel, published in the monthly Osteuropa, whose editorial commission is headed by Rita Süssmuth, former president of the Bundestag, an article (p. 631-641) entitled “Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz. Neue Erkenntnisse durch neue Archivfunde” (The number of victims of Auschwitz. New figures through the discovery…

For Ernst Zündel
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For Ernst Zündel

These lines are not addressed to those who already know Ernst Zündel – the man, his deeds and his writings – but to the Canadians who know only what the mass media, taken together, have chosen to report about him. It may be feared that those Canadians have been led to misjudge E. Zündel and,…

Exactitude (English)

Exactitude (English)

Dear Friends, Enclosed is the French version of my reaction to your Festschrift. Whilst I am indeed thankful to all those who had the idea of making that brochure or who have contributed to it with an article, you will see that I have avoided handling the matter on a personal and friendly level. Instead, I…


To Michael Hoffman, once again, on the subject of Horst Mahler’s founding of a league against the defamation of revisionists

I had told you “While reading some of your writings I have often thought: ‘The Jews should make Kamerad Hoffman Chief Rabbi honoris causa’”. You reply: “I am wondering which writings of mine have earned for me the ignominious title in your eyes of ‘honorary Chief Rabbi’, when all my life I have fought rabbis and…


To Michael Hoffman about Horst Mahler’s initiative (the founding of a “Revisionist ADL”)

Dear Michael, I have read your message on “The Revisionism of the Future: Human Rights, not Reich”. I am surprised you did not see that, when I say “the Jews”, it is just as when one says “the Germans”, “the Christians”, the “Inuits”. When one states: “The Americans are constantly at war”, it does not…