The Mufti has spoken!
[from Ingrid Rimland-Zündel’s “ZGram” of March 30, 2000]
Le Monde of March 28, 2000 reports that the Great Mufti of Jerusalem, in the presence of Pope John Paul II, accused, on the 25th of March, Israel of having exaggerated the extent of the “Holocaust” in order to get international support.
This is, I think, the first time that the equivalent of a head of state has made such a revisionist claim, being in his official position. Croatian President Franjo Tudjman had only written a somewhat revisionist book; he had spoken as an author or as an historian.
Ahmed Rami told me he had received more than a million of visits on his site in 15 days. (Editorial comment: A. Rami owns “Radio Islam” )
Iranian television recently produced a TV series on revisionism. I’ve got the video but, unfortunately, I do not understand Persian. Anyway, it seems very good (except for the technical quality) and really dramatic. You can see Garaudy, Pierre Guillaume, some other French people and myself. I am shown speaking (in Vichy, or in French courts, or in Stockholm) for quite a while. (…)
A 700-page book has just been published: L’Histoire du négationnisme en France. Quite surprising! More about that later!
March 30, 2000