

In Lyon, the Plantin affair

Jean Plantin, thirty-four years of age, unemployed and residing near Lyon, publishes the review Akribeia (a Greek word meaning “exactitude”). This review bears the subheading Histoire, rumeurs, légendes, and appears twice yearly. It is not revisionist but it has the merit of examining with equal impartiality both exterminationist and revisionist publications, as well as quite diverse studies dealing…

Press Release: “Dickhead”, “Moron”, “Twit”, “Prat”

Press Release: “Dickhead”, “Moron”, “Twit”, “Prat”

A French editor and publisher has recently been held in police custody, in revolting conditions, for 27 hours on suspicion of historical revisionism. This outrage took place in Lyon; the victim’s name is Jean Plantin. In charge of the review Akribeia, subtitled Histoire, rumeurs, légendes, J. Plantin is known for his exceptional learning and for the seriousness…

“Couillon”, “Taré”, “Truffe”, “Connard”

“Couillon”, “Taré”, “Truffe”, “Connard”

Un éditeur et directeur de publication, soupçonné de révisionnisme, vient de subir, dans des conditions révoltantes, une garde à vue de 27 heures. Cela s’est passé à Lyon les 13 et 14 janvier. La victime s’appelle Jean Plantin. Responsable de la revue Akribeia sous-titrée Histoire, rumeurs, légendes, J. Plantin est connu pour son exceptionnelle érudition et le sérieux de…