no “Holocaust.”

On Fred Leuchter
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On Fred Leuchter

Michael Hoffman has recently sent me the new, enriched edition of the book he devoted in 1985 to Ernst Zündel’s first big trial in Toronto that year. (The second big trial was to take place in 1988.) The present book bears the title The Great Holocaust Trial and the author dubs it the “twenty-fifth anniversary edition.” A few days ago, leafing…

Sur Fred Leuchter
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Sur Fred Leuchter

Michael Hoffman vient de m’envoyer la nouvelle édition, enrichie, du livre qu’il avait consacré en 1985 au premier grand procès d’Ernst Zündel, à Toronto. (Le second grand procès allait avoir lieu en 1988.) Le présent ouvrage porte pour titre The Great Holocaust Trial et l’auteur l’appelle l’« édition du vingt-cinquième anniversaire ». Il y a quelques jours, feuilletant le…

My friend Fredrick Toben (with a letter to Toben’s lawyer in Germany)
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My friend Fredrick Toben (with a letter to Toben’s lawyer in Germany)

If my Australian friend Fredrick Toben is in jail in Germany it is for three reasons – factors for which I share responsibility. First, he became a convinced revisionist essentially by reading my own historical material, of which he has published several articles and essays in translation in his country. Second, after visiting me for…