On Raul Hilberg and historical lies (video)
October 13, 1991 (11m. 42s.)
October 13, 1991 (11m. 42s.)
Ernst Zündel è stato condannato il 13 maggio 1988 dal giudice Ron Thomas (Corte distrettuale dell’Ontario, Toronto, Canada) a nove mesi di prigione ed immediatamente incarcerato per aver diffuso un testo revisionista già vecchio di quattordici anni: Did Six Million Really Die? Zündel vive a Toronto dove, fino a questi ultimi anni, esercitava la professione di…
Ernst Zündel wurde am 13. Mai 1988 von dem Richter Ronald Thomas (“District Court of Ontario”, Kanada) zu neun Monaten Gefängnis ohne Bewährung verurteilt und sofort ins Gefängnis gebracht, weil er eine revisionistische Schrift vertrieben hatte, die mittlerweile vierzehn Jahre alt ist: Did Six Million Really Die? (Starben wirklich sechs Millionen?) Ernst Zündel (49) lebt in…
On May 13, 1988 Ernst Zündel was sentenced by judge Ronald Thomas of Toronto District Court to nine months’ imprisonment for having distributed a revisionist brochure that is now 14 years old: Did Six Million Really Die? Zündel, 49, lives in Toronto where, up until a few years ago, he worked as a graphic…