Donald Trump

Donald Trump sur Israël, les juifs, “l’Holocauste” et le révisionnisme historique, à partir de quatre pièces en ligne

Donald Trump sur Israël, les juifs, “l’Holocauste” et le révisionnisme historique, à partir de quatre pièces en ligne

(pour la version anglaise, voy. 1 – Transcription du discours de Trump devant l’AIPAC, principal organisme du lobby sioniste américain – site de Time magazine, 21 mars 2016 ( … Je vous parle aujourd’hui [21 mars 2016] en tant que partisan et véritable ami d’Israël de toute ma vie. … Au printemps 2004, au plus fort de…

Donald Trump on Israel, the Jews, “the Holocaust” and historical revisionism: extracts from four online pieces

Donald Trump on Israel, the Jews, “the Holocaust” and historical revisionism: extracts from four online pieces

1 – Transcript of Trump’s Speech to AIPAC, Time website, March 21, 2016  … I speak to you today [March 21, 2016] as a lifelong supporter and true friend of Israel. … In spring of 2004 at the height of the violence in the Gaza Strip, I was the grand marshal of the 40th Salute to Israel Parade,…

Is Donald Trump, denounced as a new Hitler, going to be assassinated?

Is Donald Trump, denounced as a new Hitler, going to be assassinated?

True to habit, what calls itself “the Left” (nostalgic for the guillotine, for “impure blood” flowing in the streets and ever keen, 72 years after the end of the Second World War, to carry on with a Purge against now bedridden former soldiers) is saying prayers – either secular or religious – for the assassination…