
One more scientific document that by itself explodes the myth of Hitler’s gas chambers

Since the early 1960s, first in my research, then in my articles, studies and books I have abundantly covered the scientific reasons why the alleged gas chambers of Adolf Hitler never existed nor even could have existed. I shall not repeat those reasons here. For once, I shall be content with merely presenting one document and one only in support of the findings from my research. It is a toxicological information file from the French national institute of research and safety (INRS) for the prevention of occupational accidents and illnesses (30, rue Olivier Noyer, 75680, Paris Cedex; telephone +33 1 40 44 30 00; website: www.inrs.fr; email: info@inrs.fr). Eight pages long, this document, updated in 2011, is number 4 of a series of 311 files to date. “Hydrogen cyanide” means the gas (HCN) whilst its synonym “hydrocyanic acid” is used to designate the solution. It will be recalled that the pesticide Zyklon B, invented in the 1920s and purportedly employed for killing massive numbers of detainees at Auschwitz and elsewhere, is hydrocyanic acid in an inert porous base (for example, diatomaceous earth). For its production by the DEGESCH company and its description, along with the precautions – drastic ones – for its use, the reader may refer to documents NI-9098 and NI-9912, as reproduced in my book Mémoire en défense contre ceux qui m’accusent de falsifier l’histoire, La Vieille Taupe, Paris 1980 xxiv-280 p.; p. 161-178.

“Numéro CAS” designates the American reference number of the gas (Chemical Abstract Service) whilst the “Numéro EC” is its European Union reference number.

In order to facilitate and summarise the reading of the first seven pages (the eighth and final page contains only a part of the bibliography), I reproduce below the main fragments. One will note that HCN is a) highly inflammable, b) highly explosive and c) highly dangerous for the environment, to such a degree that its use in a crematorium is inconceivable.

Main fragments of the toxicological information file

Page 1: Liquid and vapours extremely inflammable. Lethal by inhalation. Very toxic for aquatic organisms, has deleterious effects over very long term.

Page 2: Hydrogen cyanide, if it is not strictly pure or stabilised, may polymerise dangerously (formation of black solid compounds). After an incubation period, polymerisation is rapid and violent and may be explosive.

Page 3: Hydrogen cyanide is a highly inflammable compound […] Fires caused by hydrogen cyanide are extremely dangerous because of the risk of poisoning that they pose to the surroundings. Operatives, properly qualified, will be equipped with autonomous insulating breathing apparatus and special protective suits resistant to hydrogen cyanide.

Page 4: Acute toxicity. Overwhelming (or peracute) form.

Page 6: Because of the high toxicity of hydrogen cyanide, its inflammability and the risks of explosion that it poses, very severe prevention and protection measures are necessary during this product’s storage and handling. […] Store the product in separate, well ventilated rooms, away from any source of ignition and from rays of sunlight. […] Those rooms will be accessible only to authorised and trained persons. Never allow anyone to enter those rooms unaccompanied. […] Inhalation of gas or vapours must absolutely be avoided. […] Provide a suction of the gas or vapours at their source of emission and a general ventilation of the premises. […] Prevent all contact of the product with the skin and eyes. […] Do not smoke, drink or eat in the workplaces. Observe strict standards of personal and clothing hygiene: shower and change of clothing after work.

Page 7: Do not discharge waters polluted with hydrogen cyanide into drains or into the natural environment. […] The magnitude of the potential risks of acute hydrocyanic poisoning necessitates well-organised training and instruction of all staff and the presence of first-aid personnel trained in the actions to take in these specific accidents; these persons must necessarily attend periodic refresher courses. […] The occupational physician must provide […] equipment for assisted ventilation and especially for oxygenotherapy with mask. Cutaneous decontamination, if necessary, after complete disrobing, under the shower and by a person clad in protective gear, oxygenotherapy with mask – failing which, assisted ventilation with mask – until the arrival of the emergency medical personnel; […] Mouth-to-mouth assisted ventilation must not be practised.


What this file tells us in its frankness and scientific precision should lead any honest man to infer that a use of this gas in proximity to a room with several crematory ovens, which must be laboriously brought to the temperature of 900°C, is a matter of radical impossibility. An explosion would be inevitable especially if, under the same roof, the room alleged to be an execution gas chamber adjoined a cremation room (as in Krema I at Auschwitz-I). It would be likewise were the cremation room located on the floor above (as were Crematoria II and III at Birkenau): nothing could have prevented the gas from rising naturally towards that floor via the lift shaft, the lift itself being full of gas-saturated corpses. On March 19, 1976 I discovered the building plans of the five structures at Auschwitz-Birkenau essentially designed, we are told, to house a gas chamber and a cremation room. These plans had until then been kept hidden by the Auschwitz State Museum. And quite understandably! As for what the alleged undressing rooms and homicidal gas chambers actually were one may consult Serge Thion’s Vérité historique ou Vérité politique ? Le dossier de l’affaire Faurisson. La question des chambres à gaz, La Vieille Taupe, Paris 1980, 352 p.; p. 310-322. The book relates or reproduces the essentials of my own discoveries.

Our opponents have had occasion to bring up, for example, the argument holding that the risks of explosion would have been nil since the level of concentration needed to produce an explosive mixture would necessarily have been avoided. However, this argument is worthless for, if a weapon is explosive in such a theoretical condition, no-one can be certain that that condition will not come about whether by accident or from any other cause; in short, if a gas is classed as explosive, it is therefore deemed liable to explode and, as is well known, “one does not play with fire”.

One last point: in the United States, the gas used for the execution of condemned prisoners was, precisely, HCN. I have dealt with the subject in considerable depth, describing the inevitable complication of the American gas chambers and of the procedure to follow in order to avoid accidents. For example, if the prisoner was secured so tightly it was to prevent him, in his agonising desperation, from writhing in his seat, thus creating friction and, perhaps, the static electricity that might cause an explosion.

July 7, 2016

Attachment: safety information file FT 4 INRS, 2011