
David Cole is back

David Cole, an American Jew born in 1968, once took to revisionism but as an amateur and without much concern for research or accuracy. Some of his fellow Jews were quick to make life hard for him and, finally, to treat him like a Palestinian. He took fright, signed a retraction, then decided to change his name and his existence.

So it was that, concealing his past and taking on the identity of “David Stein”, he went and offered his services to his Republican friends in Los Angeles as an organiser of gatherings and parties. As fine a way as any to earn a good living and make a spectacle of oneself.

Later, at a third stage, he put an end to his existence of professional reveller to reappear under his original name and publish a book in which he claims to reveal today the ignominy of revisionists like that Faurisson who, after having amiably welcomed him, lost no time in describing him as a prankster. Cole’s book is entitled Republican Party Animal.

To get an idea of its quality and of the author’s personality see, in particular, how he deals with the “Nutty nutbag denier Robert Faurisson” and, curiously, with the French, about whom he generalises as follows: “Ah, the French… you could smell the hypocrisy if not for the fact that their disdain for bathing produces an even worse stank [sic for stink]”. The photographic section in the middle of the book shows him in exhibitionist poses, the first image being that of a half-naked David Cole, with a red clown-nose, introducing himself as “Jewpiter the Clown”.[1] To those who might find fault with me for insulting him I’ll point out that it is Cole in person who calls himself a “clown”.

English-speaking revisionists have asked me whether I’ve written anything in the past about the individual. In response, I’ve recently sent them three texts, only the second and third of which have been published in French.[2] I intend to write, in French and English, a piece devoted to what “Jewpiter the Clown” has had the gall to write about the alleged Struthof “gas chamber”. Finally, if there’s still time, perhaps I shall write an account of his book, which I am currently struggling to continue reading; in fact I find it so amateurish and so tedious that I wonder whether I might just drop it, for the letter that Fred Leuchter has sent to Cole may be the best possible answer to our clown.[3]  

July 28, 2014


[1] A photo containing the caption “Jewpiter the Clown. Because who wouldn’t trust this guy as a Holocaust historian?”
[2] First text: my letter of January 9, 1993 to Bradley Smith and David Cole; then, an extract (note 8) from the Introduction to my Écrits révisionnistes (1974-1998); finally, a paragraph from the May 8, 2000 presentation to my three letters to Le Monde of 1978-1979.
[3] On line at vnnforum.com/showthread.php?p=1716184, very bottom of the page, after its French translation. I would entitle it “Fred Leuchter brusquely puts David Cole in his place”.