
A Revisionist breeze is blowing…

Are the officials of Jewish organisations sincere in their constant denunciations of anti-Semitism? At any moment, and for no apparent reason, they’re apt to cry wolf or, rather, yell about how “the womb of the horrid beast [that gave birth to Nazism] is still fecund”. If need be they invent this purported anti-Semitism, either on the occasion of phoney attacks or of other incidents unrelated to hatred of Jews, or else put down to anti-Semitism what is in fact merely anti-Zionism. If France, to take but this one example, were prey to chronic anti-Semitism she would not choose for President the grand-nephew of a rabbi, who, what’s more, surrounds himself with Jews, visits Jerusalem to declare his undying love to the State of Israel and, albeit in a token manner, commits France militarily to the Israeli camp.[1] On the other hand, the Jewish organisations’ leaders do seem sincere when they speak out against the dangers of what they call négationnisme (“Holocaust denial”). The spectre of revisionism haunts them and they don’t know how to ward it off for, despite frantic media hype in favour of “the Shoah”, they see the spectre growing.

While their behaviour in Palestine is already alienating a good part of the world, the “battle Jews” note that their shoatic propaganda is giving rise, in the younger generation, to a weariness which in America is called “Holocaust fatigue”. The religion of “the Shoah” is of course imposed on us by the political clan and the little world of the press, radio, television and cinema but, on the Internet, “an unbearable Jewish thought police” are decidedly no longer able to contain a flood of writings calling the myths of the second world war into question. Lately, moreover, and doubtless precisely due to the influence of the Internet with its discussion forums, chatrooms, information sites and blogs, it may be observed that, paradoxically, the realm of the printed page, including the book trade, is beginning to open up to revisionism. It must be said that today the old world of print and periodicals, which was relatively easy to monitor (particularly in France, with the mandatory copyright registry), has cause to worry if it intends to face the competition from digital books, which are bound to go on proliferating without offering much chance for filtering, monitoring and censorship.

Quite recently, judging by the publication in France of a certain number of revisionist-leaning books, it seems that, amongst authors, publishers and distributors, there is a budding boldness, even if it means risking a court summons. It’s well known that, even in countries not fitted with an antirevisionist law, the regime in place will find a way to harass, convict, extradite or imprison dissidents, but today in Germany, Australia, the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, Britain and France, some people have taken to defying the authorities that ban freedom of research in history. In the western nations, all heads of State have, by turns, cursed the revisionists but all to no avail, as the rebels seem to grow bolder proportionately. Nicolas Sarkozy says he felt a sudden sense of deep admiration for the State of Israel when, in Jerusalem, he “visited the Yad Vashem memorial, dedicated to victims of the Shoah”. One may well believe him but any reasonably informed man who has visited either Yad Vashem or any other memorial of similar style knows he has had before his very eyes, and at arm’s length, proof that “the Shoah” is but a religion built for the most part on inventions, lies and sordid beliefs born of the hardships of war.

Published simultaneously in September and October of this year, four books in French mark this return to the real and to history.

The first, advocating an examination of the myth of the adolescent French “résistant” Guy Môquet, illustrates a concern to come back to the most conventional and severe historical method. The consequences of such a return to standards will be fatal for a whole slew of fat lies that the victors of 1945, and not just the Soviets, imposed on us at the expense of the vanquished, particularly at the Nuremberg trial.

The second book calls for a review, before the tribunal of history, of the convictions by the Swiss courts of the revisionists Jürgen Graf and Gaston-Armand Amaudruz; the subtitle may come as a surprise: “Worse than the gas chambers!”, but pages 78 and 110 show that it is fully justified.

The third is a plea in favour of the outcasts called in its title the “Neg’s” as in “Nègres” (Niggers), or “Neg’s” as in “Négationnistes”. The author is a specialist of the Afro-Caribbean world whose history she began studying with her academic research in Cuba; in her view the Black peoples’ history has left them with more discernment and greater resources for use in the common struggle with the modern forces of oppression than the peoples previously accustomed to being obeyed. In the course of her essay, with a courage seldom seen amongst academics, she reveals that she is “l’Inconnue”, the Unknown Woman who asked me questions and let me speak in the interview entitled En Confidence / Entretien avec l’Inconnue.

Finally, the fourth book comes from a French journalist of the mainstream press, who, under a nom de plume, wonders aloud about the role and duty of the historian when faced with those things that are prescribed and proscribed by tyranny. His historical erudition and the fervour he imparts to his demonstrations are equalled only by his spirit of revolt and of hope.

On June 18, 2010 (the 70th anniversary of Charles de Gaulle’s wartime call to resistance) there will be issued, if things go according to plan, a Revisionist Manifesto (“A spectre is haunting Europe; it’s the spectre of revisionism”) and the following year will see the publication by a French historian of a revisionist work entitled Le Grand Mensonge (The Great Lie). Meanwhile, let’s salute the book which, published in May 2009, will have served as the “ice-breaker” for what Serge Thion named “the ice floe” of rigidly set history: initially placed on the Index in France, Sarkozy, Israël et les juifs is poised to become a best-seller.

The latest news is that the main French Jewish organisation, the CRIF (Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France), is launching a new appeal in favour of censorship against what it calls “racism and anti-Semitism”, that is, first of all, what it terms “négationnisme”. It has made a request to Michèle Alliot-Marie, minister of Justice and Freedoms (sic), for surveillance to be effected on the Internet as concerns, notably, “discussion forums, chatrooms, e-mails, websites and blogs”. You’ve read correctly: the CRIF is asking the police of the French Republic to open the e-mails, that is, the private correspondence of the French. What sheer panic there must be for things to have reached such an absurd state! But, in truth, why do we see such madness amongst the mighty and rich of this world in the face of the revisionists who, at their end, have no might and no money? Could it be those privileged few are starting to realise that power and wealth can do nothing here against the simple quest for historical exactitude?

One is tempted to explain this conduct on the part of the powerful by recalling that “absolute power maddens absolutely”. But this explanation is insufficient; it allows us to understand the weakness of the strong but not the strength of the weak. The weak are drawing their strength now from a sense, so to speak, that the way the rich are so decidedly overdoing things, they simply can’t be honest. The weak are right. As the investigations and analyses thoroughly attest, “the Shoah” is a historical lie that, in Palestine and elsewhere, enables the mighty to lay down their law, the masters to exploit their slaves and the rich to keep on robbing and stealing.

It’s understandable if the mighty of our day are worried for the future of both the State of Israel and the religion of “the Shoah”. It’s also understandable that a breath of hope should arise today in the camp of the humiliated and the wronged.


1) Jean-Marc Berlière and Franck Liaigre, L’affaire Guy Môquet / Enquête sur une mystification officielle (The Guy Môquet case: inquiry into an official mystification), Larousse, Paris 2009 [October], 160 p., €12;

2) Various authors [15 contributors from Switzerland, France and Italy, one from Iran], “Pire que les chambres à gaz!” / Deux procès politiques au scanner (Worse than the gas chambers! Two political trials under the scanner), Editions de Cassandra [Case postale 144, CH 3960 Sierre, Switzerland], 2009 [September], vi-233 p., €25;

3) Maria Poumier, Proche des Neg’ (Close to the Neg’s), BookSurge, 2009 [October], 165 p., €12.50;

4) Hannibal, À quoi sert l’histoire? (What use is history?), DIE (Diffusion International Edition) Paris 2009 [October], 216 p., €20.

These books can be ordered from Akribeia, 45/3, Route de Vourles, 69230 Saint-Genis-Laval, France (add €5 postage for one book and €6.50 for two or more). Also available from Akribeia:

Robert Faurisson, En Confidence / Entretien avec l’Inconnue, Pierre Marteau, publisher in Milan, 2009 [April] 78 p., €10;

Paul-Eric Blanrue, Sarkozy, Israël et les juifs, Oser dire, publisher in Embourg (Belgium), 3rd edition, 2009, 207 p., €16.

November 18, 2009


[1] During last January’s Israeli offensive he sent a French navy frigate to patrol the Gaza coast and so help block “weapons smuggling” to the Palestinian resistance.