Month: November 2003


À Michael Hoffman, une fois de plus, au sujet de la fondation par Horst Mahler d’une ligue contre la diffamation des révisionnistes

Je vous avais dit : « À la lecture de certains de vos écrits, j’ai souvent pensé : “les juifs devraient nommer le Kamerad Hoffman, grand rabbin honoris causa“. » Vous me répondez : « Je me demande lesquels de mes écrits me valent le titre ignominieux à vos yeux de “grand rabbin honoraire” alors…


To Michael Hoffman, once again, on the subject of Horst Mahler’s founding of a league against the defamation of revisionists

I had told you “While reading some of your writings I have often thought: ‘The Jews should make Kamerad Hoffman Chief Rabbi honoris causa’”. You reply: “I am wondering which writings of mine have earned for me the ignominious title in your eyes of ‘honorary Chief Rabbi’, when all my life I have fought rabbis and…


To Michael Hoffman about Horst Mahler’s initiative (the founding of a “Revisionist ADL”)

Dear Michael, I have read your message on “The Revisionism of the Future: Human Rights, not Reich”. I am surprised you did not see that, when I say “the Jews”, it is just as when one says “the Germans”, “the Christians”, the “Inuits”. When one states: “The Americans are constantly at war”, it does not…